A downloadable game for Windows

This is an Ambidextrous Platformer where you control two robots that help each other out to escape a Factory. 

You can also play this game with a friend.


The Frost [Blue Robot] can walk on Ice and push Chad [Yellow Robot] around.

Chad can climb walls and carry Frost on his head while climbing walls.

Don't get crushed By the hammers!

To Move Frost use:

  • A and D to Move Left and Right Respectively.
  • W to Jump.

To Move Chad use:

  • Left and  Right Arrow Keys to Move Left and Right Respectively.
  • Up Arrow to Jump.
  • Up Arrow to Climb (After Sticking to Wall).

To Pause the Game press P or Escape.

[I am really sorry for not having SFX ready in time. Also, you will be able to pause from Level 2. Many apologies for the inconveniences]

P.S. If you ever get stuck anywhere just restart the level.

Be sure to leave your suggestions :)


It-takes-two-or-just-you.zip 28 MB

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